E-Wallet for Websites + Mobile

E-Wallet for Websites + Mobile

E-Wallet for Websites + Mobile

by Crowd Kode

E-Wallet is the fastest native, mobile-app based, digital payment technology in the world - 5Xs faster than even Apple Pay. It powers almost all the solutions we've been creating for the last 5 years and is built on a real-time communication type of interoperability with the Customer's phone that gives them the final say in whether a transaction can happen (ie. complete or not). 

We'll be posting an updated video soon. FYI - the E-Wallet App in the App Store is not currently operational because we are switching to a faster set of servers and have to make a major change in the current version. If you'd like to test a live, Apple TestFlight version of the App on your own phone - please email us at hello@squaresellersunited.com

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