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I'm a Full-Stack LAMP Developer + world-class Graphic Designer with over 20+ yrs of experience. I'm also pretty decent with light sabers.
Chicago, IL Last Active: 03/08/25



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My Ideas/Campaigns (20):

Simple Open Community Chat Script
Events Booking / Calendar / Scheduling
E-Book - Page Turning Animation
SMS Text-Powered Groups via Mobile App
Apple CarPlay Sports Scoreboard (ala ESPN)
BASE+ Cross-Platform Framework and Wordpress Alternative
Real-Time Alerts for Cars While Driving
A Platform to Group Buy Luxury Sports Suites and Boxes
Voice Kiosk - Integrate Square Card Reader
Global Loyalty + Rewards App for Small Businesses
A website or app that lists where every major Sports game is streaming
Service to generate surge of online traffic to newly launched startups
Hands-free, Voice-Ordering from any restaurant in the US (or World)
A simple Political App summarizing each Politician's platform points
A Platform For Affordable, On-Demand Sales People
A Crowd-based SAAS to Get Private Jet Seats Anywhere for Just $1
A Platform That Offers Foreign Dream Vacations For Just $1
A Platform or App To Rent Exotic Cars for Cheap
Affordable, White-Label Social Network SAAS Platform That Can Be Sold By Affiliates & Partners
Share a VA (ie. Virtual Assistant)

All My Followers (9):

3 projects
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John Doe (8)

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Keith Smith (538)

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Chad LeVrouw (310)

0 projects
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Admin Admin (274)

0 projects
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FlipMob (275)

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0 projects
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John Doe (296)

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