Crowd Kode

How It Works

We’re trying to keep everything simple to start and just focus the core of Crowd Kode around a couple of simple concepts:

Custom Development costs a ton - creating it and managing it. But, so much of custom development all stems from the same types of coding languages, platforms, frameworks and features. So,

Crowd Kode is a place where you can find others who need those same exact tech and/or features (or at least most of them) and then you all just essentially split the cost(s) of development.

Day to day, Members can vote on which tech we work on developing (and creating) on a daily basis. Thus, actively creating the most voted on and hence, most in-demand tech and features.

And, once those features (or solutions) are created, the Founding Members split 75% of the profits from revenues, new memberships or existing downloads that those features generate. Simple.

Once we reach enough paying Members (because we offer a free Membership too), then Crowd Kode will also be able to provide an affordable On-Demand Project Management Services as well.

Imagine not having to post a job, talk to developers (or designers) and just being able to post what you need and we come back to you with a best-price (and timeline), which if you agree your project will instantly start and be delivered when done.

The Crowd Kode Team will handle, take care of and do all the management, corresponding, testing, review, discussion, discovery (on the development + planning side), even setting up development environments (including FTP Accounts and SSH credentials) - everything.


For now, we just want to focus on building the community as fast as possible - because we know a ton of people need these kinds of services.

Development prices are mega expensive and soaring - and you have to truly understand the complex nature of the freelancer market to really know how and why it’s so risky and such a bad way to try to create, nuture and evolve technology into anything useful and valuable - not to mention worth your time and money.

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