Crowd Kode

Λbout Us

CrowdKode is a democratized, community-funding platform that allows Members to post and vote-up Ideas, Projects, New Technology and more - then CrowdKode funds and builds the most-voted ones- turning them into instant crowd-ware or SAAS services for all members to download and enjoy.

In addition, members can also make pledges on any Campaign’s Details page, where they and other Members (ie. Co-Funders) can potentially group-fund the Idea, Project or New Tech themselves.

For "group" funded Campaigns, the IP and resulting Project is exclusively owned by the co-funding group only (not CrowdKode or other Members).


Members can also earn Loyalty Points/Stars with every vote, which increases their chances of getting their Idea/Project funded (since the funding-engine is a 365-day per year operation that’s constantly selecting Campaigns to fund).

In addition, your Loyalty Score also increases your chances of winning Cash + Prizes in CrowdKode's Daily Giveaways.

We specifically tried to create a system that truly rewards members the more they do.

What makes CrowdKode really unique though is that it uses a non-invasive AIMatchAI, community-voting and matching - plus the power of crowds to help users find over-lapping interests, ideas and needs - thereby creating unique group-funding opportunities that either save members money - or helps members generate more money.

CrowdKode is not actually a "crowd" funding platform. What we do is primarily based around the democratization of the funding and creation of new technology (ie. a digital or tangible asset). So, we help Members connect and co-fund (or group-fund, or micro-fund) for the privilege to gain membership to, access to, benefits of/for or on occassion an ownership share of a crowd-koded piece of technology, project or planned company/service as Limited Partners (not investors).

Crowd Funding


CrowdKode was founded by a group of veteran, serial entreprenuers based out of the Midwest who own and manage a long-standing, development-focused creative firm, dev11 Creative Agency (serving small to Fortune 500 Clients).

They created dev11 to primarily bring the development + design of their own projects in-house in an effort to control rising costs. The founding partners also own and have been running IT, Marketing, SEO, Dev + Creative firms for nearly 30 years.

Our founding core has amassed a library of code (ie. portfolio of IP as in Intellectual Property), software, scripts, kits, SDKs, frameworks, templates, fully completed, high-end websites and native mobile apps - and more - worth well over $7M+.

We originally built CrowdKode to document the solutions we created, as well as make some of them publicly available (ie. that we thought would help people). But, given the current landscape of VCs constantly dumping obscene amounts of money into everything imaginable and racing to leverage AI, we thought it was time to make a platform where people could flex our collective power too. So, join us - let’s flex.

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