Tech has finally reached a point where it’s very repetitive and duplicative in nature.
CrowdKode helps people find over-lapping needs,
features, etc. so you can save money by group-hiring a Dev or Dev Company
and splitting some or all of the costs.
In addition, members can also group-hire (and share) freelancers too - like
VAs (ie. Virtual Assistants), Tech Support, Server Admins, Graphic Designers,
Animators, etc.
Finally, if you have a great idea that you think could generate money, you can either post
it in the
Crowd Ξngine
and get it
voted-up and funded or find other co-funders with
similar interests to group-fund the entire project.
Best of all, unlike other platforms
CrowdKode oversees
and helps manage all funding to keep things fair and safe for
co-funders/members. So, you can rest assured
that your money will go exactly towards what it was originally intended for.