FΞature Requests Ξngine

Got an idea for a new Feature or Solution? Request it here (or below). If enough members vote it up, we’ll make it.
2 Feature Requests found in... Ordering

Open Community Chat

Welcome - we're working on finishing up a really cool, dedicated Community Chat page with the ability to upload images, add threaded comments and a few other cool features. Until then, please f... read more »

+500 votes needed | +2 votes up from 2 members | ~$0 CFP from 0 members

Ability To Back-Order Any Item

Add the ability to back-order any product or item. This should take inventory into consideration, so that the Seller can either pre-sell against an anticipated Inventory or accumulate a separate &q... read more »

+500 votes needed | +1 votes up from 1 members | ~$0 CFP from 0 members