Everybody’s got one!
Post your “big” idea, then get friends,
family + followers
to vote-it-up
and if it’s the most voted - we’ll build
it for you, give you a Marketing + Sales budget
and invest $10k!
Plus, every vote you get (or make)
also earns you automatic entries into random Daily and Weekly Drawings where
you could win:

Your idea
built for
$500-$5k for Marketing/Ads
$10-$250 Giftcards

And other cool
It’s 100% free to enter!
Post your Idea
Note: We created the NextBIGIdea promotion to not only give Members
an opportunity to see their idea or vision become a reality and a
success, but also as a free promotional tool to showcase
the power of CrowdKode’s CrowdΞngine while also showcasing
Members’ Ideas, getting them seen by more people and possibly
building a fan (or customer) base, which they could use to actually
blow their idea up on their own (if they don’t win).
It’s sort of like when all those singers who don’t
actually win American Idol or the Voice, still
get record deals after anyway. It’s because the shows allowed
them to build an audience of their own. We plan to do features and
interviews to showcase various Ideas and the Members who submitted them
throughout every contest.
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