Who We Are
We’re a Chicago-based Technology Solutions company -
that specializes in creating high quality Native Mobile Apps,
Responsive Websites, Web Apps, Software,
APIs, Frameworks, SDKs (software development kits for apps), etc.
We’ve been creating solutions for 20+ years and in that time we’ve
amassed a heck of a lot of technology, expertise, best practices, etc.
Our current digital IP Portfolio
is worth about $5M+. IP = Intellectual Property. That means all the
stuff we make that’s unique that can be used to create mobile apps,
websites, etc. How do we know it’s
worth $5M+? Good question.
Here’s that answer »
Yes, we’ve tried the VC-route and it wasted more valuable time than
it helped. And, since we’re typically
2-5 years ahead of everybody, which has secured us some very big
partnerships, we figured it was about time
we tried a different approach.
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