by Crowd Kode
Have you ever turned a corner and there was a massive line of cars, but you couldn't even tell what was going on? Like, maybe there was an accident, a chemical spill, a broken stop light, aliens landed, etc.
Wouldn't it have been helpful if your phone just started buzzing with push notifications to stay away from certain highways, streets and/or intersections?! It could be the difference between getting caught and not being able to turn around and being able to avoid it all together.
Crowd Kode voted this up 1 vote(s) 2 mos ago
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Crowd Kode voted this up 1 vote(s) 2 mos ago
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Crowd Kode pledges a $1 buy-in 2 mos ago
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Crowd Kode voted this up 1 vote(s) 2 mos ago
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