No Purchase Necessary
1. It’s 100% free to enter.
2. You must be a registered Member of with a valid, verified
email address.
3. You must be 18 yrs of age or older.
4. You may enter multiple Ideas from the same Member Account, but no
more than 5 Ideas.
5. Creator/Sponsor Votes - Because of the promotional aspect of voting-up
your own Idea for visibility, you’re allowed to vote up a max of 100 votes
per Idea, per Contest.
6. Once we reach the target number of NextBIGIdea Submissions + Votes
for a particular interval of the Contest, the submitted Idea with the
most votes wins.
7. Winners will typically receive:
A budget for Custom Development *
A budget for
Marketing + Sales
Up to $10k in investment
A VISA Giftcard for other expenses.
* CrowdKode will either build or work with Winners to help oversee getting
your idea built. (ie. website, mobile app, API, Script, etc.)
Terms for more. The investment is
typically for 1% Equity and you must agree to allow CrowdKode
to use a clear image of you (your likeness), as well as your first
and last name initial, location (ie.ty or town, state and country).
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