No Purchase Necessary
1. It’s 100% free to enter.

2. You must be a registered Member of with a valid, verified email address.

3. You must be 18 yrs of age or older.

4. You may enter multiple Ideas from the same Member Account, but no more than 5 Ideas.

5. Creator/Sponsor Votes - Because of the promotional aspect of voting-up your own Idea for visibility, you’re allowed to vote up a max of 100 votes per Idea, per Contest.

6. Once we reach the target number of NextBIGIdea Submissions + Votes for a particular interval of the Contest, the submitted Idea with the most votes wins.

7. Winners will typically receive:

A budget for Custom Development *
A budget for Marketing + Sales
Up to $10k in investment
A VISA Giftcard for other expenses.

* CrowdKode will either build or work with Winners to help oversee getting your idea built. (ie. website, mobile app, API, Script, etc.)

See Terms for more. The investment is typically for 1% Equity and you must agree to allow CrowdKode to use a clear image of you (your likeness), as well as your first and last name initial, location (ie.ty or town, state and country).

Post your Idea
Got a question? Feel free to email or call us at: or 312-857-3511 (CST)

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